收稿日期: 2016-05-19
修回日期: 2016-06-27
网络出版日期: 2016-08-10
Equivalent conversion of galvanic corrosion of typical aluminum-titanium alloy in NaCl solution with different concentrations
Received date: 2016-05-19
Revised date: 2016-06-27
Online published: 2016-08-10
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China (51375490)
陈跃良 , 王哲夫 , 卞贵学 , 王晨光 , 张勇 . 不同浓度NaCl溶液下典型铝/钛合金电偶腐蚀当量折算关系[J]. 航空学报, 2017 , 38(3) : 420450 -420450 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2016.0204
Polarization curves of 2A12 aluminum alloy and TA15 titanium alloy in NaCl solution of different concentration are measured by electrochemical tests separately. Self-corrosion current density and self-corrosion potential are obtained by the polarization curve extrapolation method, and change rules of them are analyzed. Galvanic corrosion current in different concentrations and different cathode/anode area ratios is measured. A galvanic corrosion simulation model is established, and simulation result of galvanic corrosion current is obtained. On the basis of the simulation results, equivalent relationships between the NaCl solution of different concentration and the aqueous media are calculated through an equivalent conversion coefficient method. Results indicate that galvanic corrosion occurs due to potential difference between two metals in a solution; Simulation results of galvanic current coincide well with electrochemical test results, and the simulation model can be used for simulating galvanic corrosion. Conversion coefficients of 2A12 aluminum alloy coupled with TA15 titanium alloy in the NaCl solution of different concentration and the aqueous media are obtained.
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