收稿日期: 2014-07-24
修回日期: 2014-09-30
网络出版日期: 2015-01-24
国家自然科学基金(90716009); 国家"973"计划 (2012CB720205)
Analysis of flow characteristics for hypersonic vehicle
Received date: 2014-07-24
Revised date: 2014-09-30
Online published: 2015-01-24
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(90716009); National Basic Research Program of China (2012CB720205)
在非流线型构件或突起物的扰动效应、高马赫数和低雷诺数极限效应、低湍流度环境效应和由激波或摩擦导致的气动加热效应等4个方面的影响下,未来高超声速飞行器涉及的流动主要表现出这样的特点:典型流动结构强度高、尺度大,如强激波和厚边界层;局部流动结构数量多;激波、膨胀波和边界层结构之间相互干扰十分严重;转捩、压力脉动和一些流动结构对细微因素非常敏感;压力、摩擦应力和热流峰值现象普遍;升阻比屏障难以突破;流场同时依赖大量无量纲参数和有量纲参数,导致实验模拟难度大。本文在回顾传统高超声速流动主要流动现象的基础上,对上述7个方面涉及的典型流动现象的基础研究现状、问题本质和因果关系进行综合描述,讨论如何更有效地面对基础研究和工程实际问题。 该文既可为解决典型流动现象中尚未解决的基础研究提供帮助,也可为如何合理地利用有限的已知知识解决工程应用问题提供指导。
吴子牛 , 白晨媛 , 李娟 , 陈梓钧 , 汲世祥 , 王聃 , 王文斌 , 徐艺哲 , 姚瑶 . 高超声速飞行器流动特征分析[J]. 航空学报, 2015 , 36(1) : 58 -85 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2014.0228
Modern hypersonic vehicles have local non-streamlined obstacles, operate at lower turbulent environment with high Mach number and lower Reynolds number and cruise in air subjected to shock and friction heating. Due to these factors, hypersonic flows are full of strong local flow structures such as strong shock waves and thick boundary layers, with severe interactions between them. Aerodynamic heating is strengthened locally by such interactions. A number of critical phenomena such as transition and pressure perturbations are quite sensitive and the competitive influences of wave and frictional drags make the lift to drag ratio have a barrier. All these are not simply dependent on the Mach number and Reynolds number, but also dependent on many dimensional parameters, so that modelling by ground facilities is difficult and a combined study of theory, numerical study and experimental measurement are necessary to solve an engineering problem. In this paper, we give an overview of the state-of-art knowledge of the most important and critical physics of hypersonic flow and discuss the methods to solve hypersonic flow problems in the most possible effective way.This review and discussion are hopefully useful for further fundamental studies and for providing a bridge between fundamental study and engineering applications.
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