
  • 许晓平 ,
  • 周洲
  • 1. 西北工业大学
    2. 西北工业大学无人机特种技术重点实验室

收稿日期: 2014-04-01

  修回日期: 2014-05-21

  网络出版日期: 2014-05-23



The Efficiency of Micro-jet Flow Control Parameter for the Flying-wing UAV

  • XU Xiao-Ping ,
  • ZHOU Zhou

Received date: 2014-04-01

  Revised date: 2014-05-21

  Online published: 2014-05-23




许晓平 , 周洲 . 飞翼布局无人机微射流控制参数效能分析[J]. 航空学报, 0 : 0 -0 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2014.0100


The control effectiveness of typical micro-jet flow control parameters on the aerodynamic performance of the flying-wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) was investigated by numerical simulation. Validation was conducted with TAU0015 airfoil experiment data for flow control model and numerical method. The flow control model was tested with eight array of synthetic jet actuators embedded in the leading edge and 1%c along the wing span. The change in the control effect was examined and the control efficiency of control parameters was performed. The numerical results of the UAV aerodynamic coefficients revealed lift increments over the baseline uncontrolled case as large as 25%. The actuators arranged in leading edge and inboard of UAV were found to be more effective at separation control, the larger jet momentum coefficient were more pronounced and the most effective frequency seemed to be one. Which indicate that correct control parameter is critical to the design of an efficient flow separation control scheme.


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