收稿日期: 2013-04-23
修回日期: 2013-07-12
网络出版日期: 2013-07-16
Numerical Simulation on the Aerodynamic Performance of the Double Swept Canard
Received date: 2013-04-23
Revised date: 2013-07-12
Online published: 2013-07-16
李春鹏 , 刘铁中 , 蒋增龑 , 秦加成 . 双后掠鸭翼气动特性的数值模拟[J]. 航空学报, 2014 , 35(2) : 427 -435 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2013.0339
The concept of a double swept canard is proposed in the first part of this paper for comparison with the poor performance of the trapezoidal canard with a moderate leading edge sweep angle. The aerodynamic performance of the canard configuration with the trapezoidal canard and the double swept canard is investigated respectively by numerical simulation, and the flow mechanism that affects the aerodynamic performance of the double swept canard is analyzed. The results show that, for the double swept canard, the outboard wing section with its large leading edge sweep angle can keep the canard vortex stable with high intensity after the vortex core breakdown, increase the stall angle of the canard, and improve the outboard wing flow field by induction. Thus,it can improve the aerodynamic performance of the configuration at high angles of attack, so that better aerodynamic performance of the configuration can be achieved. However, it suffers a slight lift loss at low angles of attack due to its adverse effect on the development of the attached flow and leading edge vortex. A double swept canard has larger deflection angles available at low angles of attack because of its larger stall angle, so that higher pitch up control capability can be achieved. On the premise of satisfying the constraints of stealth, a double swept canard has better supersonic performance because of its lower supersonic drag.
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