

  • 冯永新 ,
  • 徐美荣 ,
  • 钱博 ,
  • 滕振宇
  • 沈阳理工大学 信息科学与工程学院, 辽宁 沈阳 110159
冯永新 女, 博士, 教授。主要研究方向: 扩频通信、 数字信号处理、 信息安全。 Tel: 024-24682018 E-mail: fengyongxin@263.net;徐美荣 女, 硕士研究生。主要研究方向: 扩频通信、 信号处理。 Tel: 024-24682229 E-mail: MeirongXu@163.com;钱博 男, 博士, 副教授。主要研究方向: 扩频通信、 数字信号处理。 Tel: 024-24682229 E-mail: keen_xp@163.com;滕振宇 男, 博士, 副教授。主要研究方向: 扩频通信、 网络安全。 Tel: 024-24682229 E-mail: tzy405@sina.com

收稿日期: 2012-02-14

  修回日期: 2012-10-18

  网络出版日期: 2013-03-29



A Frequency Transform Function Algorithm for Differential Frequency Hopping

  • FENG Yongxin ,
  • XU Meirong ,
  • QIAN Bo ,
  • TENG Zhenyu
  • School of Information Science and Engineering, Shenyang Ligong University, Shenyang 110159, China

Received date: 2012-02-14

  Revised date: 2012-10-18

  Online published: 2013-03-29

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China (60802031); Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (NCET-11-1013);Program for Liaoning Innovative Research Team in University(LT2011005)




冯永新 , 徐美荣 , 钱博 , 滕振宇 . 一种差分跳频频率转移函数算法[J]. 航空学报, 2013 , 34(3) : 655 -661 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2013.0103


To improve the randomness and uniformity of a differential frequency hopping sequence,a new frequency transform function algorithm is proposed based on a study of differential frequency hopping technology and the present frequency transform function algorithms. This algorithm adopts an optimized chaotic sequence to disturb the data information codes for good data randomness. It also employs the RS (Reed-Solomon) codes of good capability in correcting errors and the m sequence to control the frequency hopping interval and the frequency subsets for better characteristics of the frequency hopping sequence. The randomness and uniformity of the differential frequency hopping sequence utilizing the proposed algorithm are validated by simulation. A comparison with the frequency hopping sequences generated by one G function algorithm based on chaotic sequences and another based on RS code and m sequences shows that the favorable randomness and uniformity of the differential frequency hopping sequence generated with the new frequency transform function algorithm is improved.


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