收稿日期: 2013-01-18
修回日期: 2013-03-18
网络出版日期: 2013-03-19
Study of a Portable Microclimate Cooling System Based on Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle
Received date: 2013-01-18
Revised date: 2013-03-18
Online published: 2013-03-19
Supported by
AVIC Innovation Fund
成功研制开发了一种用于在高温环境下对人体进行降温的便携式微环境制冷系统,以解决直升机、军用车辆等乘员在高温环境下的热应激问题。该冷却系统采用蒸气压缩循环,以R134a为制冷工质,外型尺寸仅为190 mm×190 mm×100 mm,重量为2.75 kg,采用锂电池或直流电源供电。该系统使用了全新的微型直流调速压缩机和以脉宽调制模式工作的微型电子膨胀阀(EXV)。研制了微型微通道板翅式蒸发器,并设计了全铝钎焊微通道平行流式冷凝器。通过采用以上微型、高效部件,成功实现了蒸气压缩循环制冷的微型化和实用化。对该微环境冷却系统进行了定容量和变容量性能实验,研究了制冷剂充注量和EXV的占空比对制冷性能的影响。实验结果表明:该微环境冷却系统在45 ℃环境温度、制取20 ℃冷水条件下,具有260 W的制冷量,可以满足单个乘员在高负荷工作条件下的冷却需求。在充注量为120 g和EXV占空比为45%时,系统的制冷性能系数(COP)最高可达1.5以上。
杨宇飞 , 袁卫星 , 杨波 , 廖翼兵 . 基于蒸气压缩制冷循环的便携式微环境冷却系统研究[J]. 航空学报, 2013 , 34(11) : 2500 -2509 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2013.0171
A man-portable microclimate cooling system for personal cooling in high temperature circumstances is developed to solve the heat stress problems for helicopter and armored vehicle crewmen. The system is based on a vapor compression refrigeration cycle and the refrigerant used is R134a. The dimensions of the system are 190 mm× 190 mm× 100 mm and the weight is only 2.75 kg. It can be powered by a lithium ion battery or with DC power supply. It utilizes a new miniature DC compressor and a miniature electronic expansion valve (EXV) which operates in a pulse width modulation mode. A miniature microchannel plate type evaporator is developed and an aluminum microchannel condenser is applied. By utilizing the above components of small scale and high efficiency, the whole system realize the miniaturization and practicality of vapor compression refrigeration systems. Experiments are carried out in both fixed and variable speed modes to investigate the effects of EXV duty cycle and refrigerant charge amount on the cooling performance. The results show that the system has a cooling capacity of 260 W under the ambient temperature of 45 ℃ and water temperature of 20 ℃, which is sufficient for cooling one person under a high work load. And the cooling coefficient of performance (COP) reaches highest when the EXV operates at 45% of its duty cycle with a refrigerant charge amount of 120 g.
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