收稿日期: 2012-10-08
修回日期: 2012-12-25
网络出版日期: 2012-12-27
Reliability Analysis for HPT Blade-tip Radial Running Clearance Based on DCRSM
Received date: 2012-10-08
Revised date: 2012-12-25
Online published: 2012-12-27
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China (51175017);Innovation Foundation of BUAA for Ph.D.Graduates;Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education
为了有效地进行航空发动机高压涡轮(HPT)叶尖径向运行间隙(BTRRC)设计,从概率的角度进行BTRRC的可靠性分析。根据BTRRC的结构特点,提出了高精度、高效率可靠性分析的分布式协同响应面法(DCRSM),以二次响应面函数为基础建立了DCRSM数学模型,并将DCRSM应用到航空发动机HPT BTRRC的可靠性分析中加以验证。结果显示:当稳态叶尖间隙δ=1.86 mm时,BTRRC的可靠度为0.996 8,综合考虑发动机效率和可靠性,基本上满足BTRRC的设计和工程需要。通过方法比较显示了DCRSM在BTRRC可靠性分析中,不但能解决难以分析的问题,还能在保证计算精度的前提下提高计算速度和计算效率;充分验证了DCRSM在BTRRC可靠性分析中的有效性和可行性,为复杂机械可靠性分析和优化提供了有效依据。
费成巍 , 白广忱 . 基于DCRSM的HPT叶尖径向运行间隙可靠性分析[J]. 航空学报, 2013 , 34(9) : 2141 -2149 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2013.0342
In order to design more effectively aeroengine high pressure turbine (HPT) blade-tip radial running clearance (BTRRC), a BTRRC reliability analysis is accomplished from a probabilistic perspective in this paper. Distributed collaborative response surface method (DCRSM) with high accuracy and high efficiency is proposed for reliability analysis according to the structural features of BTRRC. The mathematical model of DCRSM is established based on the quadratic response surface function. The DCRSM is applied to the reliability analysis of an aeroengine HPT BTRRC to verify the advantages. The reliability analysis results show that the reliability of BTRRC is 0.996 8 when the static blade-tip clearance δ=1.86 mm, which is appropriate in the BTRRC and aeroengine design for satisfying engineering requirements while considering synthetically the efficiency and reliability of an aeroengine. As demonstrated in the comparison of methods, the DCRSM can not only make a difficult problem easy to resolve, but also improve greatly computation speed, save computing time and ameliorate computational efficiency while keeping calculation accuracy. Therefore, DCRSM is fully verified to be feasible and effective in BTRRC reliability analysis. Meanwhile, the present study provides some useful insight into designing and optimizing more effectively complex machinery reliability schemes in general.
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