收稿日期: 2012-05-21
修回日期: 2012-08-21
网络出版日期: 2013-04-23
Analysis of Process Parameters Influencing Protuberance During Interference Fit Installation of Hi-lock Bolts
Received date: 2012-05-21
Revised date: 2012-08-21
Online published: 2013-04-23
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China (51275463); Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province (Y1090572); Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China (2011FZA4002) *Corresponding author. Tel.: 0571-87953929 E-mail: donghuiyue@zju.edu.cn
姜杰凤, 董辉跃, 毕运波. 高锁螺栓干涉配合安装工艺参数对凸瘤的影响分析[J]. 航空学报, 2013, 34(4): 936-945. DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2013.0154
Interference fit is an effective process method for improving the fatigue life of bolted joints, but the protuberance produced in installation is harmful to the strength of joints. The causes of protuberance arising are analysised, and then reports a squeezing installation test of titanium alloy M8 hi-lock bolts. A finite element model (FEM) is developed and the process of installation is simulated. The experimental squeezing force and protuberance sizes are compared with the results from finite element analysis (FEA) to validate the FEM. Several process parameters are analyzed. The FEA results indicate that the best interference fit size is 1.5%,when the diameter of the bucking bar central hole is slightly smaller than twice the bolt diameter, the protuberance is relatively small. The friction coefficient should be less than 0.15, and 0.2×120°chamfer around the hole exit side can reduce protuberance and stress concentration.
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