航空学报 > 1994, Vol. 15 Issue (6): 761-764


唐国宏, 陈昌麟, 张兴华   

  1. 北京航空航天大学101教研室,北京,100083
  • 收稿日期:1992-09-02 修回日期:1993-06-18 出版日期:1994-06-25 发布日期:1994-06-25


Tang Guohong, Chen Changqi, Zhang Xinghua   

  1. Faculty 101, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Beijing,100083
  • Received:1992-09-02 Revised:1993-06-18 Online:1994-06-25 Published:1994-06-25

摘要: 通过热压和热等静压反应烧结,从相复合角度探索了改善碳化硼机械性能及发展新型碳化硼基超硬材料的可行性,并给出了最新研究结果。

关键词: 碳化硼, 化学反应-烧结, 机械性能

Abstract: The poor sinterability of B4C limits its widespread application because both high temperature and high pressure are required for a complete densification. Moreover,B4C suffers from a low strength and fracture toughness,but possesses a high potential use in hiqh temperature region because of its superb hardness and corrosion resistance. Hot press reaction sintering of B4C-Si-WC/TiC-Co mixtures results in B4C-TiB2-W2B5 composite with a high density and much improved mechanical properties. The iufluence of hot isostatic pressing(HIP)on the im-provement of mechanical properties is also investigated and related to the strengthening and toughening mechanisms. In comparison to single phase B4C ceramics,bending strength is im-proved to 1030MPa(HIP),K(IC) to 5. 6MP3·,hardness is comparable with HV=38GPa,and of practical importance, sintering temperature is lowered to 1700~1800℃.

Key words: Boron carbides, chemical reactions-sintering, mechanical properties
