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  1. 1. 1北京航空航天大学 航空科学与工程学院 2 中国航空工业空气动力研究院 高速高雷诺数气动力航空科技重点实验室
    2. 中航工业空气动力研究院
    4. 中国航空工业空气动力研究院
  • 收稿日期:2017-04-17 修回日期:2017-07-24 发布日期:2017-08-02
  • 通讯作者: 孟凡民

Research of the center body in the subsonic second throat

  • Received:2017-04-17 Revised:2017-07-24 Published:2017-08-02

摘要: 新一代战斗机及大飞机等先进飞行器的发展,对风洞试验的模拟能力以及精细化水平提出更高要求,这些都需要对现有的风洞设施进行技术升级。而跨声速风洞能力提升的关键技术中,第二喉道可以有效精准的控制试验段马赫数Ma,抑制下游噪声扰动前传。第二喉道段从结构构型上可分为调节片式、活动堵块式和栅指式。针对调节片加中心体式二喉道,研究不同中心体构型对第二喉道性能的影响。首先利用数值模拟手段定性研究不同中心体构型的第二喉道的气动性能;然后,通过风洞试验,设计加工了四种构型的第二喉道进行验证试验;最后,经过分析数值模拟和验证试验结果,得出加长板中心体在总压损失和流场控制方面综合性能最好,并在新建的大型连续式风洞中采用了加长板中心体方案。

关键词: 第二喉道, 中心体, 跨声速风洞, 数值模拟, 试验验证

Abstract: In order to meet the demand of the development of new generation of fighter jets and large aircraft project and improve the level of wind tunnel test simulation of refinement, we need to upgrade the existing transonic wind tunnel. As the key technology of enhancing the ability of transonic wind tunnel, the second throat can control the Mach number precisely. At present, from the structural configurations, the second throat can be divided into activity plugging block type, the choke finger and the adjusting plate type. To the adjusting plate second throat with the center body, we studied different types of the center body affect the performance of the second throat. First we studied the aerodynamic performances of the second throat with different center body using numerical simulation method. Then we designed and processed four types of the second throat for validation test in the pilot wind tunnel. Finally, through the numerical simulation and experiment results, we concluded that the second throat with extended board center body per-formed best in terms of the total pressure loss and flow control, and adopted this project in the newly built large continuous wind tunnel.

Key words: second throat, center body, transonic wind tunnel, CFD simulation, experimental verification
