With advantages of low density and high specific strength, 2060 Al-Li alloy has been widely used in aerospace parts manufacturing. Cold die hot forming process can improve the formability of 2060 Al-Li alloy, reducing occurrences of defects such as cracking, drawing and springback, and subsequent aging treatment can improve the overall rigidity of the parts. However, lack of accurate prediction of the temperature field in the actual forming process, that is, an accurate description of the interfacial heat transfer behavior of 2060 Al-Li alloy under variable pressures hampers the evaluation of the forming effect. This study obtained heat transfer behavior between 2060 Al-Li alloy and H13 hot-work die steel under different pressures using the interfacial heat transfer test platform. The die surface temperature was calculated by Finite-Difference Method (FDM) in consideration of temperature effects of thermal properties. The Interface Heat Transfer Coefficient (IHTC) at different pressures was calculated and compared with Beck's inverse heat transfer algorithm. The calculated results were similar. The experimental results showed that IHTC of 2060 Al-Li alloy increased with the increase of pressure, with IHTC=1.906 6 W/(m2·K) at 20 MPa. The improved FDM has the advantages of high computational efficiency, high speed, satisfactory reflection of the actual temperature field inside the mold, and low error. Therefore, it can be extended to the IHTC solution of other sheet materials in cold die hot forming.
ZHANG Yunguang
LI Zhiqiang
WANG Yaoqi
LI Hong
LI Shuhui
. Determination of interfacial heat transfer coefficient in cold die hot forming of 2060 Al-Li alloy: Experiment and algorithm[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2021
, 42(2)
: 423805
DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2020.23805
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