
Low altitude UAV traffic management:An introductory overview and proposal

  • QUAN Quan ,
  • LI Gang ,
  • BAI Yiqin ,
  • FU Rao ,
  • LI Mengxin ,
  • KE Chenxu ,
  • CAI Kaiyuan
  • 1. School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang Univeristy, Beijing 100083, China;
    2. Shanghai Huawei Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201206, China;
    3. China Academy of Civil Aviation Science and Technology, Beijing 100028, China

Received date: 2019-06-21

  Revised date: 2019-08-20

  Online published: 2019-10-31

Supported by

National Key of Research and Development Project (2016YFC14025000)


A large number of disorderly low-altitude UAVs may bring harm to ground facilities, public safety, piloted aerial vehicles/manned aerial vehicles, and so on. However, current air traffic management for civil aviation is not suitable for millions of UAVs in the future. In response to the challenge, new frameworks for low-altitude UAV air traffic management have been developed by many countries, which is a new thing in recent years. This paper focuses on the traffic management of low-altitude UAVs and overviews the related four aspects:the basic concept and current status quo of air traffic related to low-altitude UAV, the introduction to low-altitude UAV traffic management, the key technology of low-altitude UAV traffic management and the corresponding scientific issues of low-altitude UAV traffic management, hoping to contribute the healthy development of UAV industry.

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QUAN Quan , LI Gang , BAI Yiqin , FU Rao , LI Mengxin , KE Chenxu , CAI Kaiyuan . Low altitude UAV traffic management:An introductory overview and proposal[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2020 , 41(1) : 23238 -023238 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2019.23238


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