As the first part of the "Low noise design of fan outlet guide vane" serial articles, this paper proposes an integrated aerodynamic and acoustic design method. The influence of axial sweep and circumferential lean of Outlet Guide Vane (OGV) on the rotor wake/stator interaction noise of a modern high-bypass ratio fan stage is investigated. To improve the evaluation efficiency in the design process, an analytic model for the rotor/stator interaction noise is employed based on the three dimensional lifting surface and duct acoustic theories. A rotor wake model whose parameters are obtained from throughflow calculation and blade design steps is also applied. The rotor/stator interaction noises of different combinations of sweep and lean angles are examined to obtain the effect graph, which is used to choose a prime combination of sweep and lean angles as the starting point of the following optimization. During the optimization, the chord length and blade tip meridian position are fixed, and a genetic algorithm is employed to obtain the final leading edge and stack line shape of OGV. The two obtained swept and leaned vanes can gain a promising reduction of interaction noise at least of 8 dB.
JIANG Yongsong
ZHENG Wentao
YANG Mingsui
WANG Yongmei
. Low noise design of fan outlet guide vane, part Ⅰ: Method and optimization[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2019
, 40(10)
: 122955
DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2019.22955
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