Material Engineering and Mechanical Manufacturing

Vibration attenuation for finishing assembly interfaces of vertical tail section of large aircraft based on novel eddy current damper

  • FAN Wei ,
  • ZHENG Lianyu ,
  • ZHAO Xiong ,
  • YANG Yiqing ,
  • LIU Xinyu ,
  • YANG Sen
  • 1. School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beihang University, Beijing 100083, China;
    2. Institute of Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology, Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd, Shanghai 201324, China

Received date: 2018-12-16

  Revised date: 2019-01-10

  Online published: 2019-04-11

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China (51775024); Civil Airplane Technology Development Program (MJZ-2016-G-62); Key Laboratory of Smart Manufacturing for High-end Aerospace Products; Beijing Key Laboratory of Digital and Manufacturing


The assembly interface of the vertical tail section of large aircraft is a large thin-walled structure made of titanium alloy. Due to the low structural rigidity, it is prone to machining vibration, rebound deformation, and undercutting in the process of finishing, which seriously impacts the final finishing quality. To address these problems, a novel eddy current damper is designed based on the principle of electromagnetic induction to suppress the multi-mode vibration of the assembly interface. Firstly, the geometric structure of the damper is introduced. Then the damping performance model of the damper is established. Secondly, the effects of various thicknesses of magnetic pole, thicknesses of conductor, and numbers of magnetic poles on the damper's damping are respectively studied. And the reasonable material and the geometric parameters of key damper components are determined based on the damping performance model. Thirdly, the dynamic model of the suppression system of the assembly interface is established. Then the relationship between the vibration velocity and the damping performance of the damper is obtained through numerical analysis and finite element simulation methods. Finally, the working performance of the damper is validated via dynamic tests and cutting experiments. The dynamic tests results show the damper can improve the damping ratio and the structural stiffness of the assembly interface by 2.17 and 1.65 times respectively, greatly attenuate the free vibration of the assembly interface. The cutting experiment results illustrate the damper can increase the finishing stability of the assembly interface, such as, the vibration amplitude of the assembly interface can be reduced by 64.4% in the time domain, which shows a good vibration suppression effect. The comparison of the results shows that the configuration of double dampers possesses a better function of vibration suppression to improve the dynamic machinability of the assembly interface. That is, the axial cutting depth and the spindle speed can be respectively increased to 2.0 mm and 500 r/min, providing a suitable and feasible approach for ensuring the finishing quality of the assembly interface.

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FAN Wei , ZHENG Lianyu , ZHAO Xiong , YANG Yiqing , LIU Xinyu , YANG Sen . Vibration attenuation for finishing assembly interfaces of vertical tail section of large aircraft based on novel eddy current damper[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2019 , 40(9) : 422859 -422859 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2019.22859


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