To meet the needs of safety assessment of large and complex plate structures, a Lamb wave health monitoring technique for stiffened metal plate structures based on compressed sensing is developed. The dispersion characteristics of Lamb waves in stiffened panel structures are recovered from a small amount of testing data obtained from sparse array using compressed sensing technology. To realize large-scale defect detection imaging in stiffened panel structures, a new method of sparse array Lamb wave composite imaging combining cosine similarity with Pearson similarity is proposed. The experimental results show compressed sensing technology can recover the frequency-wavenumber relation of Lamb waves in stiffened plates. And the Lamb wave composite imaging method can detect and locate single and multiple defects in stiffened panels. Research work provides a feasible technical solution for detecting damage of complex plate structure.
JIAO Jingpin
LI Haiping
ZHAI Shuncheng
HE Cunfu
WU Bin
. Lamb waves health monitoring technology for metal stiffened plate based on compressive sensing[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2019
, 40(7)
: 422695
DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2019.22695
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