This article introduces the typical features of the fourth-generation jet fighters and the engine requirements of these jets. It reviews the design concept and typical technical features used in the fourth-generation engines, including high performance cycle parameters, high thrust-to-weight ratio, vectored thrust, stealth, FADEC,EHM, thermal management technology, and design techniques of high reliability and maintainability. This article also analyzes the implementation path of these technologies, and puts forward that a successful development of the fourth-generation engine depends on the advanced, mature basic technology and scientific management. Above all, this article summarizes the designing features of the fourth-generation engines and emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive and balanced design.
CHENG Ronghui
ZHANG Zhishu
CHEN Zhongguang
. Technical characteristics and implementation of the fourth-generation jet fighter engines[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2019
, 40(3)
: 22698
DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2018.22698
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