Using an improved space-time Conservation Element and Solution Element (CE/SE) scheme, the three-dimensional detonation propagation in square ducts filled with H2-O2 mixtures is simulated. A series of detonation structures under different cross-sectional sizes and two kinds of initial perturbation are calculated and analyzed. It costs relatively little computational resource to reproduce the three typical kinds of detonation propagation structure, namely the rectangular mode, the diagonal mode, and the spinning mode. As the cross-sectional size decreases, the detonation cellular pattern and the wave front structure will produce an adaptive deformation, until the number of cellular pattern decreases and some of the triple point lines disappear. Eventually, the rectangular mode and the diagonal mode will both transform into the clockwise or anticlockwise spinning mode. At the critical cross-sectional size, the new detonation structure and its maximum pressure histories during the transformation process are obtained, and the stability of the rectangular and diagonal propagation mode are preliminarily discussed.
LIU Kaixin
ZHANG Deliang
. Simulations of stable structure in oxy-hydrogen detonation propagation in square ducts using an improved CE/SE scheme[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2019
, 40(5)
: 122591
DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2018.22591
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