In conceptual design of the strut-braced wing airliner, the quantitative relations between primary parameters and the structure weight is established to achieve the requirements on structure weight evaluation. This paper proposes a two-level optimization approach for structure conceptual design and weight analysis of strut-braced wing. Based on the finite element method used in the beam modeling, an analysis model for strut-braced wing structure is established, considering strength and flutter as constraints. Based on the full potential equation with boundary layer correction, an aerodynamic load model is established. An civil aircraft with strut-braced wing is investigated as an example to verify the approach. The results indicate that this approach could analyze the effect of primary parameters on the structure weight, and obtain quantitative descriptions, providing technical support and reference data for conceptual design of strut-braced airliner.
ZHANG Xintan
WANG Jianli
. Effect of primary parameters on structure weight of civil aircraft with strut-braced wing[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2019
, 40(2)
: 522359
DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2018.22359
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