The slipstream of propeller greatly influences the flows on wings and wakes due to high swirl velocities, and thus alters the performance of the wing and the aircraft. In this paper, the effects of propeller slipstream on the wake flow are investigated using wind tunnel test. The experimental model includes a 6-bladed propeller, a nacelle and a wing with high lift device at the sweep angle of 4°, and two configurations of flap deflection or retraction are tested. The thrust coefficient and advance ratio of two configurations at real flight are simulated at the same time. By comparing the flow velocities and directions at the wake with and without propeller slipstream, the development and influence of slipstream on wake flow are analyzed, and the slipstream effects including accelerating effect, downwash effect and sidewash effect are investigated. The test results show that, under the influence off slipstream, the flow parameters in far wake show complex variation on horizontal and vertical directions; and a clear distinction of the slipstream effects is shown under flap-deflection and retraction configurations.
DUAN Zhuoyi
QIAN Ruizhan
XU Ruifei
GAO Yongwei
. Effect of propeller slipstream on wake field of a nacelle/wing configuration[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2019
, 40(5)
: 122434
DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2018.22434
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