During the flight period of air-to-air missiles, the temperature rise of the solid propellant caused by high-frequency vibration greatly impairs the performance of the solid rocket motor. To investigate the energy dissipation of the solid propellant and its influencing factors, multi-frequency fatigue tests of a composite propellant at different strain amplitudes were carried out. The surface temperature of the solid propellant specimen under cyclic loading was simultaneously monitored by non-contact infrared camera device. The effects of frequency and strain amplitude on the energy dissipation of the composite propellant were then discussed. The results show that, due to its viscosity, the composite propellant generates a lot of heat under external excitation, and its density of energy dissipation increases with the increase of loading amplitude and frequency. The surface temperature of the specimen due to energy dissipation increases at the first cycles and then stabilizes. Based on the equations of energy dissipation and temperature field, a model for calculating the temperature rise during fatigue of the composite propellant is established, and the hysteretic temperature rise of the composite propellant under different loading conditions is well predicted via finite element simulation.
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