Fluid Mechanics and Flight Mechanics

Respiration model and test analysis of continuous oxygen supply system for members in large transport aircraft

  • FENG Wenchun ,
  • ZHU Yongfeng
  • 1. AVIC The First Aircraft Design Institute, Xi'an 710089, China;
    2. Aircraft Environment Control Laboratory of Shaanxi Province, Xi'an 710089, China

Online published: 2018-06-05


Based on the system for aviation continuous oxygen supply and the process of respiration, the sub-calculation models of inhalation air and trachea air were put forward to calculate the necessary oxygen flow at the different altitudes according to different criteria of oxygen supply for aircraft members. Calculation results show that the model is suitable for the calculation of continuous oxygen flows for different types of aircraft member and can provide a theoretical basis for the specification of continuous oxygen supply flow. To address the multi-member characteristic of transport aircraft, the test method for and theory of multi-member continuous oxygen supply are described and the test data are analyzed. The results show that the partial pressure of oxygen at each test point all reaches 100 to 83.8 mmHg under pulmonary ventilation 15 and 20 L/min condition when the cabin altitude is no more than 12 km, meeting the requirement of hypoxia protection.

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FENG Wenchun , ZHU Yongfeng . Respiration model and test analysis of continuous oxygen supply system for members in large transport aircraft[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2019 , 40(2) : 522212 -522212 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2018.22212


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