Fluid Mechanics and Flight Mechanics

Test and analysis on aerodynamic performance of 1+1/2 super-transonic counter-rotating turbine

  • WU Zhongye ,
  • FANG Xiangjun ,
  • LIU Siyong ,
  • MA Guangjian
  • 1. School of Energy and Power Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100083, China;
    2. AECC Shenyang Engine Design Institute, Shenyang 110015, China

Received date: 2018-03-23

  Revised date: 2018-04-12

  Online published: 2018-05-15


The counter-rotating turbine is one of the key technologies of high performance aero-engines. Tests are conducted to analyze the aerodynamic performance of the 1+1/2 super-transonic counter-rotating turbine. To solve the problem that test points are difficult to be arranged between two stages, a stepwise test method based on the performance inverse calculation is put forward to analyze the running characteristics of the super-transonic counter-rotating turbine. The test results indicate that the characteristic of the mass flow of the super-transonic high pressure turbine remains almost unchanged with the change of the expansion ratio, while the efficiency characteristic of the turbine changes greatly. The throat area ratio of the high and low pressure turbines plays an important role in distribution of the expansion ratio of the turbine:when the ratio is lower than the design state, the expansion ratio of the high pressure turbine increases and the expansion ratio of the low pressure turbine decreases, with the total expansion ratio meeting the design requirement; the outlet flow angle of the high pressure turbine has a significant influence on the performance of the low pressure turbine.

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WU Zhongye , FANG Xiangjun , LIU Siyong , MA Guangjian . Test and analysis on aerodynamic performance of 1+1/2 super-transonic counter-rotating turbine[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2018 , 39(9) : 122155 -122164 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2018.22155


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