To research the interior ballistic design method for improving the overall performance of the solid launch vehicle motor, a calculation model for the motor interior ballistic is established, and two parameters of burning surface design are selected to represent the configuration of the interior ballistic curve. Simulation analysis of a three-stage solid launch vehicle is carried out. The interior ballistic curve configuration of the motor is optimized, with the objectives of the maximum impulse to mass ratio and of the maximum range of launch vehicle. A comparison of the two design methods shows that the optimal performance of the motor does not necessarily mean the best overall performance of the launch vehicle. With the maximum range of the launch vehicle as the objective of the optimal design of the interior ballistic of the motor, the overall performance of the launch vehicle can be significantly improved. The results can be applied to the preliminary demonstration stage of the overall scheme of the design of the solid launch vehicle, enhancing the performance level of the solid launch vehicle and the efficiency of scheme demonstration. The overall design scheme of the solid launch vehicle can thus be more timely and competitive.
HUANG Tisheng
WANG Pengfei
CAO Xiwei
. Design method for interior ballistics of solid launch vehicle motor[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2018
, 39(S1)
: 722186
DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2018.22186
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