The Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equation method based on the k-ω turbulence model is used to study the control of the boundary layer separation at 24° compression ramp for Ma∞=2.9 via the vane Vortex Generator (VG). The calculation results show that the streamwise vortex generated by the vortex generator is the main factor that controls the separation of the boundary layer, and the greater the intensity of the streamwise vortex is, the better the control effect will be. The streamwise vortex increases the momentum transport of the mainstream and the boundary layer. The velocity profile along the wall normal is fuller and the two-dimensional separation at the corner is transformed into three-dimensional separation. The structure of the shock wave-boundary layer interaction is changed, with the total length of the separation zone decreasing by 39.68%. Compared with the counter-rotating VG, the co-rotating VG is more beneficial in improving the wall pressure distribution at the corner. The co-rotating VG can reduce a similar amount of total length of the separation zone to the counter-rotating VG, but can result in shorter length between the separation point and turning point and smaller increment of system drag than the counter-rotating VG. In the case of a counter-rotating VG, as the height of the trailing edge increases, the total length of the separation zone decreases and the increment of system drag decreases first and then increases slightly. The larger the distance between the counter-rotating blades is, the smaller the total length of the separation zone will be, the bigger the increment of system drag will be. The larger the distance between the co-rotating blades is, the larger the total length of the separation zone will be, and the smaller the increment of system drag will be. The height of the blade has a main influence on the streamwise vortex induced by the vane VG, and the influence of the space between the blades is negligible.
HU Wanlin
YU Jian
LIU Hongkang
YAN Chao
. Control of compression ramp flow separation via vane vortex generator[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2018
, 39(7)
: 122049
DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2018.22049
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