When an airplane passes through the water standing on runways and taxiways, the water ingestion from wheel spray is a very complex process. To analyze the characteristic of water spray and its effect on engine ingestion, two methods are proposed:analogy and numerical simulation. With the input of wheel spray typical initial parameters, the two methods are applied to analyze the water ingestion characteristics of engine inlet of domestic transport A, which could be provided as airworthiness compliance evidence. The results illustrate that the inlet would not suck spray water and demonstrate its agreement to the regulation. Numerical simulation result gives the boundary condition when the water from wheel spray is ingested by the inlet engine:side splash velocity increases to over 69 m/s, and vertical splash velocity also increases to over 40 m/s.
YANG Chengfeng
GUO Zhaodian
DENG Wenjian
. Characteristic of airplane wheel water spray and its effect on water ingestion of engine inlet[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2018
, 39(2)
: 121453
DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2017.121453
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