The bridging model is a micromechanical theory for composites with rapid development in resent years. One of its significant features is in that only properties of the fiber and matrix of the composite constituent are required to predict the response of the composite materail. Taking the stress concentration factors of the matrix and the interface debonding effect into account greatly enhance the prediction accuracy. In this paper, all of the latest developments of the bridging model have been programmed into a user subroutine, UGENS, of commercial Finite Element (FE) software ABAQUS's secondary development function. The strength behaviors of the composite lamina, laminate, and a complicated T-joint structure used widely in the aerospace field are then analyzed with the software. The calculated results agree well with the available experimental data.
LU Guanda
HUANG Zhengming
. Failure analysis of aeronautic composite structures incorporated with bridging model and FE model[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2018
, 39(6)
: 221646
DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2017.21646
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