To improve the assembly quality and efficiency of the aerospace pipeline, a novel automatic reconfigurable assembly fixture system is designed and implemented. To realize automatic configuration of the locators for the fixture system, a kinematic model for the locator is established based on the D-H method. The configuration parameters of the locator are solved in terms of the pose parameters of the corresponding tube joint that are analyzed and extracted from the configuration system, so as to provide the data basis for automatic configuration of the fixture model. Based on the configuration parameters, the workspace of the locator is obtained using the numerical analysis approach, and the path planning method for the locator is developed, with the maximum envelope diameter of the locator workspace being used as the interference diameter of the collision circle. According to the theory of homogeneous coordinate transformation and the method of space dimension chain, a position error model for the locator is proposed, which can provide a theoretical basis for performance analysis of the locator and even of the whole fixture. Automatic configuration and performance analysis of an aero-engine pipeline model is given for verification.
ZHENG Lianyu
WANG Yahui
LIU Xinyu
. Automatic configuration and performance analysis of locators for reconfigurable assembly fixture system of pipeline components[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2018
, 39(5)
: 421793
DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2017.21793
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