Numerical simulation and parameter analysis of temperature distribution of autoclave cured composite cylindrical structure
Received date: 2017-03-20
Revised date: 2017-05-27
Online published: 2017-05-27
The cylindrical structure is one of the most common structural form in spacecraft. During the autoclave process, the cylindrical parts are often arranged radially perpendicular to the radial direction of the autoclave, leading to uneven distribution of temperature in the cylindrical part. In this paper, a numerical simulation method is developed based on the software Fluent to predict distribution of temperature and curing degree in the cylindrical part during the autoclave process. The effectiveness of the simulation method is verified by comparing the results of experimental data and simulated data. Based on the simulated data, the effects of heating rate on the distribution of the temperature and curing degree in the cylindrical structure are analyzed. The final results show that the temperature difference caused by the structural characteristics is greater than that by heat transfer during the autoclave process of the cylindrical part. When the heating rate autoclave grows from 0.5 K/min to 5 K/min, the maximum differences between the windward and leeward in temperature and curing degree increase by 1.1 K and 2.08% respectively, indicating that heating rate does not have a significant influence on temperature and curing degree distribution. These results are helpful for the optimization of cylindrical structures during autoclave process.
XIANG Bingdong , LI Min , LI Yanxia , GU Yizhuo , ZHANG Zuoguang , LI Jianfang , LI Guiyang . Numerical simulation and parameter analysis of temperature distribution of autoclave cured composite cylindrical structure[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2017 , 38(11) : 421258 -421258 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2017.421258
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