Conceptual design and analysis of electric helicopters
Received date: 2016-10-19
Revised date: 2016-12-14
Online published: 2017-04-05
Supported by
Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher of Education Institutions (PAPD)
Based on the characteristics of present batteries and electric motors, the energy and power system models adaptable to electric helicopters are established respectively. Three energy programs applicable for electric helicopters are proposed, and a methodology involving primary parameters sizing and optimization for conceptual design of electric helicopters is developed. Considering mission profile requirements, parameters sizing and sensitivity analysis for the helicopter applying the three different energy proposals are performed. Due to limitation of current development of battery technology, there still exists a wide gap between endurance of electric and of fuel-consuming helicopters. Parameter sensitivity analysis shows that the design features of electric helicopters are different from those of fuel-consuming helicopters, so that the characteristics of the power and energy systems should be specifically considered in the design of electric helicopters.
ZHAO Hong , LI Jianbo , LIU Cheng . Conceptual design and analysis of electric helicopters[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2017 , 38(7) : 520866 -520866 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2017.520866
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