Research and application of coupled simulation techniques of PID controller and CFD
Received date: 2016-01-19
Revised date: 2016-03-22
Online published: 2016-04-05
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China (11172315, 91216203, 11372341, 11532016)
It is a novel research field to couple computational fluid dynamics (CFD) into the simulation of flight control system (FCS). In engineering simulations of FCS, the aerodynamics of the vehicle is given by the aerodynamic models or aerodynamic databases, while in this coupled way, they are obtained by solving the Navier-Stokes equations/rigid body dynamics (RBD) equations. Thus the unsteady and nonlinear portion of the aerodynamics is adequately reserved, which guarantees the accuracy of simulation of the FCS. Taking the control of the pitching attitude of a square cross section missile as an example, the transfer functions about the vehicle motion system are first given, and modifications to transfer functions are conducted based on the open-loop response characteristics of the system to unit step fin-deflection maneuver, then the PID controller for the control of the pitching attitude of the vehicle is designed. Control effects about the P, PD and PID controller are numerically investigated with various control parameters. According to different control commands, the real-time response process of the vehicle under the PID controller is numerically simulated and the attitude control of pitching motion of the vehicle is finally reached. The investigation shows that when the maneuver action is slow, the simulation results based on CFD show good agreement with those based on the engineering simulation, while when the maneuver action is rapid, the two results have significant differences. The present method, which simulates the unsteady flow process induced by the vehicle motion and the fin-deflection, is more reliable than the engineering simulation method based on static aerodynamics. This indicates that it is of great necessity to predict and validate the FCS utilizing CFD method in the case of strong nonlinear effects including high angles of attack and rapid maneuver.
CHEN Qi , GUO Yongyan , XIE Yufei , CHEN Jianqiang , YUAN Xianxu . Research and application of coupled simulation techniques of PID controller and CFD[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2016 , 37(8) : 2507 -2516 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2016.0093
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