Airtanker effectiveness analysis based on capacity of being refueled
Received date: 2015-09-28
Revised date: 2015-11-23
Online published: 2016-02-19
With the development of the airtanker,the capacity of being refueled by other airtankers gradually becomes an essential capability to airtanker designs.Currently,the airtanker effectiveness analysis does not consider the ability of being refueled by other airtankers.The airtanker development analysis indicates that the ability of being refueled is the requirement of airtankers.Via the specific example study of airtanker fleet remote deployment battles,the impact of refueling each other in airtanker fleet on combat is known.On the basis of a detailed analysis of the airtanker fleet refueling process,the airtanker fleet refueling models with the ability of being refueled are established.Through the simulation to the refueling of the airtanker fleet with the two models in which one model has no refueling ability among each other and the other has refueling ability among each other,the significant impact of capacity of being refueled on airtanker fleet refueling performance is analyzed,thus providing the reference for airtanker design.
ZHAO Zhizhong , HAN Zhimin . Airtanker effectiveness analysis based on capacity of being refueled[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2016 , 37(1) : 133 -143 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2015.0319
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