Engineering environment-based multi-objective optimization platform for aerodynamic design
Received date: 2015-09-30
Revised date: 2015-11-22
Online published: 2015-12-04
Supported by
National High-tech Research and Development Program of China(2012AA01A304)
In the engineering environment,the aim of aerodynamic design of an aircraft is to find the optimal value under the multi-objectives and multi constraints.The design optimization should be completed in a short time and the final scheme must be reliable.Based on high-performance computing environment,an engineering-practical multi-objective optimization platform for aerodynamic design is constructed by adopting modern computational fluid dynamics(CFD) numerical simulation and optimization techniques.The free form deformation method based on non-uniform rational b-splines(NURBS) is used to obtain the parametrized representation of aerodynamic shapes;the mesh deformation method is taken to realize the automatic deformation of computational mash in optimization;a Reynolds averaged Navier-stokes solver based on finite volume method and multi-block structured mesh is used to find out aerodynamic forces;the non-dominated sorting-based multi-objective genetic algorithm(NSGA-II) is used to search for global optimum,while the nonlinear simplex algorithm method is used to search for local optimum.During the optimization process,a "human-in-the-loop" design process is configurated through artificially changing optimum population and introducing artificial experience.For the validation of this platform,optimization design of an airfoil/wing's aerodynamic forces is taken as an example.A clear Pareto-optimal front can be obtained by multi-objective optimization design;on the premise of meeting all constraints,the comprehensive aerodynamic performance of optimized airfoil/wing is significantly improved.The result shows that the multi-objective optimization platform for aerodynamic design developed in this paper can be well applied to engineering practice.
LI Quan , GUO Zhaodian , LEI Wutao , ZHAO Ke . Engineering environment-based multi-objective optimization platform for aerodynamic design[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2016 , 37(1) : 255 -268 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2015.0315
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