Key airworthiness validation technologies for icing of general aviation aircraft and their engineering application
Received date: 2015-08-17
Revised date: 2015-11-10
Online published: 2015-12-04
Civil aircraft must conduct icing airworthiness validation according to relevant icing requirements published by airworthiness authority in order to obtain operation permit in icing environment.The features of general aviation aircraft result in the fact that general aviation aircraft face more severe icing problems and more strict icing airworthiness certification requirements when compared to large transport category aircraft.This paper researches relevant icing airworthiness documents published by FAA and recent international achievements on icing problems,and then discusses some key icing airworthiness validation technologies for general aviation aircraft,their state of art and development trends,based on an engineering application of icing airworthiness validation for a general aviation aircraft.This paper shows that a deliberate combination of several icing airworthiness validation technologies is necessary for general aviation aircraft's icing airworthiness certification program and the issues of icing has become a part of aircraft's aerodynamic layout technology.
Key words: icing; digital simulation; wind tunnel test; flight test; airworthiness
WANG Hongwei , LI Xianzhe , SONG Zhan . Key airworthiness validation technologies for icing of general aviation aircraft and their engineering application[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2016 , 37(1) : 335 -350 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2015.0308
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