
Study of the circulation control technology

  • ZHU Ziqiang ,
  • WU Zongcheng
  • School of Aeronautic Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100083, China

Received date: 2015-10-14

  Revised date: 2015-11-10

  Online published: 2015-11-13


The circulation control technology is being a new reseach highlight recently, due to the high performance needs of the fufure military/commercial transports. The research progress of the circulation control is introduced briefly and the NASA experimental research plan, including 2D CC airfoil benchmark and CCA/OTW(circulation control airfoil/over the wing)experiments, half-model subsystem experiments, and 3D hybrid wing body aircraft experiments, intended for CFD code validation is discussed in detail in the present paper. The experimental data of the same model in two similar sized wind tunnels shows that when the slot exit height is moderate CLmax can be reach 8-9 due to the tangential blowing. Comparison of the 2 tunnels' data indicates that the data can be used for CFD validation. 2D CCA/OTW experiments show that both stall angle of attack and CLmax can be increased largely by the position forward movement of the engine. The lower frequency intensity of the trailing blowing noise is proportional to the velocity's 8th power and the higher frequency's is 6th. Results of the half model subsystem FACT-MAC transonic experiments can be used not only to study the effect of high Reynolds number, but also to provide the results of two flight regimes. The preliminary results indicate that comparing with no blowing the increase of CL is about 33% at α=25° at low speed, and the separation induced by shock wave can be effectively reattached and the shock wave's position is moved aft 5% chord while keeping its strength in off-design condition at transonic speed. Being analysed and compared now, the results of 3D large scale full span CCW/OTW aircraft tests will be presented in the upcoming NASA TM. The published data illustrates that with leading edge blowing the wing stall angle of attack can be greater than 25ånd CLmax can be increased to over 6. And the lift curve slope is increased with the application of OTW.

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ZHU Ziqiang , WU Zongcheng . Study of the circulation control technology[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2016 , 37(2) : 411 -428 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2015.0282


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