Propagation characteristics of detonation wave influenced by wall suction
Received date: 2015-04-03
Revised date: 2015-06-03
Online published: 2015-06-19
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(51206182, 91441201, 91441101)
In order to investigate the characteristics of the detonation influenced by porous wall suction, the structure and velocity of the detonation waves are studied by means of numerical simulation, which shows that there exit two kinds of effects on detonation. On the one hand, part of flowfield is sucked into the suction chamber, colliding with the porous wall, with a series of arc shocks being formed. The interaction of arc shocks and tranverse waves leads to the attenuation of transvers waves and even failure of detonation. On the other hand, instability of the flowfield is enhanced, and there is a series of hot spots formed during the collision between flowfiled and porous wall, which may promote the detonation, especially in the critical state and reignition may occur. Different activity and distance are investigated, while the boundary conditions and initial state remain the same. The results show that, as the activity decreases and the distance increases, the influence of porous wall suction becomes stronger. When the suction distance is longer, three phenomena of propagation are observed with the decrease of the activity of mixture:self-sustained detonation, reignition after failure and complete failure. Finally, the corresponding experiments are conducted and the results of numerical simulation are validated.
Key words: porous wall; suction; detonation; tranverse wave; arc shock; failure; reignition
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