Electronics and Control

Aircraft taxi routes planning based on free time windows and multi-agent for A-SMGCS

  • TANG Yong ,
  • HU Minghua ,
  • HUANG Rongshun ,
  • WU Honggang ,
  • YIN Jia'nan ,
  • XU Zili
  • 1. College of Civil Aviation, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 211106, China;
    2. Research and Development Center, The Second Research Institute of Civil Aviation Administration of China, Chengdu 610041, China

Received date: 2014-05-06

  Revised date: 2014-06-11

  Online published: 2014-06-16

Supported by

National Key Technology Research and Development Program of China (2011BAH24B06); National Natural Science Foundation of China (61179060, U1333202, U1233103)


Aircraft taxi routes planning for advanced surface movement guidance and control system (A-SMGCS) is a typical NP-Hard problem. To solve the contradiction between taxi routes planning optimization and the great amount of calculation, a taxi routes planning method based on free time windows is proposed and a multi-agent system (MAS) is designed to implement the algorithm. Firstly, a taxi resource graph is established to model airport taxi area. Then, any aircraft is appointed a priority according to flight schedule. Aircraft taxi route is planned sequentially according to the order of aircraft priority. Aircraft can only use free time windows of a taxiway to plan taxi route and the previous planned taxi routes cannot be destroyed. The difficulty of solving aircraft taxi routes planning problem is reduced to that we only need to find a single aircraft taxi route every time. Overall optimization of the taxi route planning is guaranteed because airport surface traffic is balanced through searching free time windows to get taxi routes. Finally, since it is a complex centralized solution process to establish, maintain and search a free time window graph, an MAS is established which makes it simplified through the route management Agent, aircraft Agent and resource node Agent, collaboratively to solve aircraft taxi route planning problem distributively. Simulation results show that the MAS can quickly find the optimal solution of free time windows. Aircraft average taxiing time decreases significantly and up to 19.6% aircraft taxiing time can be saved compared to preselection fixed-path set algorithm.

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TANG Yong , HU Minghua , HUANG Rongshun , WU Honggang , YIN Jia'nan , XU Zili . Aircraft taxi routes planning based on free time windows and multi-agent for A-SMGCS[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2015 , 36(5) : 1627 -1638 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2014.0119


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