Progress on the Mixing of Liquid Jet Injected Into a Crossflow
Received date: 2013-05-15
Revised date: 2013-07-23
Online published: 2013-08-09
Attention is now focused on the spray mixing characteristics of liquid jet injected into subsonic air crossflows as a development of low emission combustion technology. This paper summarizes the research progress in this field. The review is mainly about the experimental research work carried out at home and abroad, from three aspects: the atomization and breakup of a liquid jet in a crossflow, liquid jet penetration in the crossflow, and spray dispersion and transport in the crossflow. In most studies a liquid jet from a single plain orifice is transversely injected into a uniform airflow. The influences of fuel pulsation, shear layer and swirl in the airflow on spray mixing characteristics are studied experimentally. However, few studies are carried out on the mixing of an airblast-atomized liquid spray or multiple liquid jet injected into a crossflow. Finally a brief summary is given of the experimental studies on the spray mixing characteristics of a liquid jet injected into a crossflow. According to the review of the progress on the mixing characteristics of liquid jet, further research work is proposed by this paper with the application on atomization in advanced low emission combustors as the background.
Key words: liquid jet; crossflow; mixing; breakup; penetration height; low emission
LIN Yuzhen , LI Lin , ZHANG Chi , XU Huasheng . Progress on the Mixing of Liquid Jet Injected Into a Crossflow[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2014 , 35(1) : 46 -57 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2013.0346
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