Fluid Mechanics and Flight Mechanics

Effects of Tailplane Icing on Aircraft Longitudinal Aerodynamic Parameters

  • XU Zhongda ,
  • SU Yuan ,
  • CAO Yihua
  • School of Aeronautic Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China

Received date: 2012-08-31

  Revised date: 2012-10-10

  Online published: 2012-10-12

Supported by

Aeronautical Science Foundation of China (2009ZA51007)


A longitudinal flight dynamics model for an aircraft is built, and a system for identifying the aircraft longitudinal aerodynamic parameters is constructed using the maximum likelihood parameter estimate method. The validity and accuracy of the identification system is verified. According to the flight test data of aircraft DHC-6, the aerodynamic parameters of a clean aircraft and two different cases of iced aircraft with particular ice shapes on the tailplane are identified. Based on the comparison of the three identification results of the aircraft longitudinal aerodynamic parameters, an analysis is made on the effects of tailplane icing on the aircraft longitudinal aerodynamic parameters. The results of the analysis could show that tailplane icing has several adverse effects on aircraft longitudinal flight characteristics. The pitching dampness of the aircraft would decrease up to 15% and the elevator effectiveness would decrease up to 20%, which indicates that tailplane icing has adverse effects on the aircraft stability, controllability and could pose a threat to flight safety.

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XU Zhongda , SU Yuan , CAO Yihua . Effects of Tailplane Icing on Aircraft Longitudinal Aerodynamic Parameters[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2013 , 34(7) : 1563 -1571 . DOI: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2013.0274


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