
A Vacuum Adaptive Iterative Guidance Method of Launch Vehicle Based on Optimal Analytical Solution

  • 1. Department of Astronautics Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China;
    2. China Aerodynamics Research & Development Center, Mianyang 621000, China

Received date: 2010-12-20

  Revised date: 2011-03-11

  Online published: 2011-09-16


Along with the increasing diversity and complexity of space launch missions, it is of great significance to study new adaptive guidance methods that have higher precision and adaptability to satisfy the maneuverability, flexibility and high satellite injection accuracy requirements of launch vehicles. This paper presents a summary of the analytical solutions of optimal vacuum trajectories for launch vehicles and proposes a new iterative guidance method different from the traditional iterative guidance based on Newton method.This new method is particularly suitable for large attitude angles. Its analytic form of the Jacobian matrix is derived. Finally, numerical simulations are performed. Simulation results demonstrate that the adaptive iterative guidance proposed has higher precision and powerful adaptability. Besides, the algorithm in this guidance method is simple and easy to implement. Therefore, it possesses high engineering application value.

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FU Yu, CHEN Gong, LU Baogang, GUO Jifeng, CUI Naigang . A Vacuum Adaptive Iterative Guidance Method of Launch Vehicle Based on Optimal Analytical Solution[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2011 , 32(9) : 1696 -1704 . DOI: CNKI:11-1929/V.20110511.1345.001


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