A method based on an equivalent plate model for the dynamic and flutter analysis of a missile wing is developed. In the process of equivalent plate modeling, simple polynomials are used to describe the geometry, structure and displacement of the missile wing, and artificial springs are used to approximate the boundary conditions. The analytical expressions for the matrices of stiffness and mass are obtained by the global Ritz method. The natural frequencies and modes of the missile wing are obtained by solving the eigenvalue problem. Preliminary comparison between the frequencies and the modes from the new method and the finite element method indicates that the two methods are consistent. Then the two sets of modes are used to perform a flutter analysis and the results agree well, which further validates the accuracy of the equivalent plate method for analyzing the dynamic characteristics of a missile wing. The equivalent plate model provides an efficient tool for quick modeling of missile wings in the early design stage.
YANG Youxu, WU Zhigang, YANG Chao
. Flutter Analysis of Missile Wing Using Equivalent Plate Model[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2011
, 32(5)
: 833
DOI: CNKI:11-1929/V.20101213.1757.008
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