
Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica

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Study on the Attitude Control Schemes of Yaw Steering with Front and Back Pointing to the Sun Alternately


  • Received:2024-05-13 Revised:2024-09-28 Online:2024-10-08 Published:2024-10-08

Abstract: In the traditional yaw-steering mode, spacecraft swings back and forth around the yaw axis within a certain angle range, causing the spacecraft's front or back to always be exposed to direct sunlight, resulting in additional weight and power consumption costs for the thermal design of extravehicular equipment. The yaw-steering attitude control strategy with front and back pointing to the sun alternately has been proposed, providing spacecraft with a uniformly exposed thermal environment. This not only simplifies the thermal design of extravehicular equipment, but also improves the reliability of equipment sensitive to temperature range fluctuations in orbit. Three attitude control strategies for yaw-steering with front and back pointing to the sun alternately are compared in terms of power generation and propellant consumption. The optimal comprehensive index of the complementary-angle control strategy has been successfully applied to the Tianzhou-1 cargo spacecraft.

Key words: yaw steering, attitude control, pointing to the sun alternately, cargo spaceship, Tianzhou-1

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