
Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (19): 29987.doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2024.29987

• Reviews •    

Recent advances in mechanical properties of fibre-reinforced composites with bio-inspired helicoidal lay-ups

Xin WANG1, Haibo JI2,3, Zhen LI1, Bingyang LI1,4, Qi ZHANG1, Rui ZHANG5, Xiang XU6, Han MENG2,3, Pengfei WANG1(), Tianjian LU2,3   

  1. 1.Advanced Materials and Energy Center,China Academy of Aerospace Science and Innovation,Beijing 100088,China
    2.State Key Laboratory of Mechanics and Control for Aerospace Structures,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016,China
    3.MIIT Key Laboratory of Multifunctional Lightweight Materials and Structures,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016,China
    4.College of Engineering,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China
    5.State Key Laboratory of New Textile Materials and Advanced Processing Technologies,Wuhan Textile University,Wuhan 430200,China
    6.School of Engineering,Anhui Agricultural University,Hefei 230036,China
  • Received:2023-12-15 Revised:2024-04-29 Accepted:2024-07-01 Online:2024-08-23 Published:2024-08-21
  • Contact: Pengfei WANG E-mail:hvhe@163.com
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(12402407);Beijing Nova Program(20230484287)


Fiber-reinforced composites with bio-inspired helicoidal lay-ups are a new type of composites inspired by the microstructure of biological exoskeletons and scales. The helicoidal lay-ups are able to significantly reduce the interlaminar stresses of transversely loaded composites by introducing small inter-ply angles, thus improving the interlaminar properties and impact resistance. This paper presents a state-of-the-art review of bio-inspired helicoidal composites, including bionics principles, typical configurations, fabrication methods, application prospects, and the current research advances in their static/dynamic mechanical properties. The static/dynamic mechanical responses and underlying enhancement mechanisms of bio-inspired helicoidal composites are systematically analyzed. It has been clarified that as a kind of emerging design method, stacking unidirectional laminates helicoidally with small interply angles results in improvements in stiffness, strength and toughness of fibre-reinforced composites compared with the traditional cross-ply or quasi-isotropic ones. By summarizing the shortcomings of the existing efforts, the future development trend of bio-inspired helicoidal composites is discussed. In a word, the concluding remarks raised in this paper are of great theoretical and practical significance for the design of high-performance fibre-reinforced composites.

Key words: fibre-reinforced composites, mechanical properties, bio-inspired design and manufacturing, interlaminar properties, impact resistance

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