Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (18): 229904.doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2023.29904
• Solid Mechanics and Vehicle Conceptual Design • Previous Articles
Hualong WANG, Xiayang ZHANG, Guoqing ZHAO, Qijun ZHAO(), Li MA
Qijun ZHAO
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Hualong WANG, Xiayang ZHANG, Guoqing ZHAO, Qijun ZHAO, Li MA. High⁃precision simulation of aeroelastic characteristics of TEF rotor based on CFD/CSD coupling[J]. Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica, 2024, 45(18): 229904.
Table 3
Structural parameters of Fulton rotor
分段编号 | 起止位置/mm | 质量密度/(kg·m) | 挥舞惯量/(g·m) | 摆振惯量/(g·m) | 拉伸刚度/(N·m) | 扭转刚度/(N·m) | 挥舞刚度/(N·m) | 摆振刚度/(N·m) |
1 | [120.64,243.32) | 4.452 5 | 0.011 1 | 0.210 9 | 43 936 347.41 | 176.93 | 332.25 | 1 858.4 |
2 | [243.32,359.87) | 7.692 5 | 0.187 9 | 3.573 3 | 8 497 582.341 | 353.86 | 445.04 | 3 709.8 |
3 | [359.87,786.92) | 5.027 8 | 0.184 6 | 3.514 2 | 11 965 451.72 | 170.41 | 252.42 | 8 550.2 |
4 | [786.92,927.58) | 11.162 | 0.239 8 | 4.558 6 | 11 424 185.11 | 121.89 | 353.31 | 4 557.8 |
5 | [927.58,1 143.0] | 4.776 4 | 0.168 2 | 3.205 5 | 12 462 529.02 | 170.41 | 252.42 | 8 550.2 |
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