
ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (5): 425301.doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2021.25301

• Material Engineering and Mechanical Manufacturing • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Simulation and experiment of array remote-field eddy current sensor for hole edge defect of aircraft high lock bolt

SONG Kai, OUYANG Yongjie, FANG Zhihong, HUO Junhong, CUI Ximing   

  1. Key Laboratory of Nondestructive Testing of the Ministry of Education, Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang 330063, China
  • Received:2021-01-21 Revised:2021-02-22 Published:2021-03-18
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China (51865033); Foundation for Key Laboratory of Nondestructive Testing of Ministry of Education of China (EW201908438)

Abstract: Detection of the hidden defect in the hole edge of aircraft high lock bolt is a difficulty in the field of aviation nondestructive testing. The remote field eddy current testing technology is not affected by the skin effect, and has great advantages in detection of hidden defects in the holes of fasteners of aircraft high lock bolts. For the remote field eddy current testing of hole edge defects of high lock bolt fasteners, an array remote field eddy current sensor is developed. A 3D model for detecting hole edge hidden defects of high lock bolts is established, and the placement distance between the detection coil center and the high lock bolt center is optimized. The attenuation trend of the signal of defect in the weak magnetic field between adjacent channels is then studied by adopting the detection method that array remote-field eddy current sensors are placed on the high lock bolt. Simulation and experimental results show that the detection sensitivity is the best when the distance between the center of the detection coil and the center of the high lock bolt is 11 mm. The detection signal of magnetic field weak area between adjacent channels attenuates to a certain extent. The optimized probe can detect hole edge hidden defects in fasteners with buried depth of 4 mm and length×width×depth of 5 mm×0.2 mm×2 mm. With the increase of the defect length, the amplitude of detection signal increases.

Key words: high lock bolt, array, remote field eddy current, coil position, hidden defect

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