
ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA ›› 2018, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (S1): 722227-722227.doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2018.22227

• Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Control • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Electron beam in-situ fabrication in space

ZENG Ruchuan1,2, GE Yifan1,2, WEI Song1,2, YAO Qi1   

  1. 1. Beijing Spacecrafts Limited Company, Beijing 100094, China;
    2. Beijing Engineering Research Center of Welding Technology and Equipment for Spacecrafts, Beijing 100094, China
  • Received:2018-03-22 Revised:2018-05-14 Online:2018-12-30 Published:2018-05-11

Abstract: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)'s human exploration initiative poses great opportunity and risk for manned missions to the Moon, Mars, and beyond. Engineers and scientists at NASA are developing technologies for in situ fabrication capabilities during lunar and Martian surface operations utilizing locally refined materials. The In-Situ Fabrication and Repair (ISFR) technology is introduced, as one of the most competitive technology of ISFR, and Electron beam In-situ Fabrication in space is introduced. Electron Beam Melting (EBM) and Electron Beam Free Form Fabrication (EBF3), as two branches of Electron beam In-situ Fabrication in space, are introduced, such as technology inception, characterization of technology, technical advantage, performance of the product, current applications, supportability in space, research findings and test data by NASA, especially the microgravity testing carried by NASA Langley Research Center's C-9 parabolic flight. The equipment of Electron beam In-situ Fabrication, modification of which to satisfy the space environment and the technology status and develop trend is also introduced. Some suggestions about Electron beam In-situ Fabrication in space for our future space project are proposed.

Key words: in-situ fabrication and repair, electron beam melting, electron beam freeform fabrication, space environment, zero-g environment

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