


Canard aircraft flight load measurement technology


  • Received:2014-10-16 Revised:2015-02-02 Published:2015-02-03

Abstract: Abstract: According to the structural characteristics of modern canard aircraft and load measurement equirements,Presented a strain gauge modified method at the outer shaft canard profile,And composed of the certain Wheatstone bridge with different side strain gauge. In the load calibration tests, applying the symmetrical calibration load on Canard at the same time, Keep the aircraft balance with the aircraft weight and rear fuselage bracket, The aircraft is not required a fixed complex constraints. Through the analysis of the calibration test data,A strain gauge bridge load on the corresponding sensitive response,and smaller to the other load, To realize the mechanical decoupling of canard wing bending moment, torque, shear,according to the data can establish high precision Duck wing load model. On the aircraft of various motor case duck wing flight loads measured data are analyzed, The results showed that: Using this method to measure the aircraft duck wing loading, Refit and test method is simple, the Results of load measurement are trusted and reliable.

Key words: Key words: The aircraft canard wing, flight load, strain modification, load calibration and modeling, flight test

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