ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA ›› 2015, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (2): 422-440.doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2014.0279
• Review • Previous Articles Next Articles
LI Shuang1,2, JIANG Xiuqiang1,2
Supported by:
National Natural Science Foundation of China (61273051, 60804057); National High-tech Research and Development Program of China (2011AA7034057E, 2012AA121601)
CLC Number:
LI Shuang, JIANG Xiuqiang. Review and prospect of decelerator technologies for Mars entry[J]. ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA, 2015, 36(2): 422-440.
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