
ACTA AERONAUTICAET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA ›› 2014, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (6): 1750-1758.doi: 10.7527/S1000-6893.2014.0007

• Material Engineering and Mechanical Manufacturing • Previous Articles    

Equivalent Degradation of Aviation Organic Coating During Indoor Accelerated Testing and Outdoor Exposure

LUO Chen1, CAI Jianping1, XU Guangxing2, ZHAO Liangliang1, LIU Ming1, SUN Zhihua1, TANG Zhihui1, LU Feng1   

  1. 1. Metal Corrosion and Protection Laboratory, AVIC Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials, Beijing 100095, China;
    2. Structure Department, AVIC Shenyang Aircraft Design & Research Institute, Shenyang 110035, China
  • Received:2013-12-11 Revised:2013-12-30 Online:2014-06-25 Published:2014-03-17
  • Supported by:

    National Natural Science Foundation of China(51071144); National Defense Technology Foundation Project(H052011A001)


The relationship between indoor accelerated testing and outdoor exposure in terms of equivalent degradation in aviation organic coating is studied in order to provide fundamental data for the life prediction of aircraft skin. Long-term outdoor exposure and indoor accelerated testing of the coating are carried out, with surface morphology periodically examined. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is used to quantitatively analyze the damage of organic coating. Thus, the degradation behavior of the coating in indoor accelerated testing and tropical marine atmosphere for 5 years is investigated. It is found that the central area of organic coating specimen is intact after 7 cycles of indoor accelerated testing and 5 years outdoor exposure, but exhibits significant decrease in electrochemical impedance modulus. The organic coating's correlation coefficient (ρ) between outdoor exposure and indoor accelerated testing is 0.77. The degradation of organic coating after 6 cycles of indoor accelerated testing is equivalent to that after 3 years outdoor exposure in Wanning, Hainan. 3 years outdoor exposure or 5 cycles of indoor accelerated testing led to the fact that the special frequence electrochemical impedance modulus |Z|f=0.1 of organic coating specimen is in the same order with |Z|f=0.1 of alloy substrate. Since then, the organic coating which is comprised of zinc yellow acrylic polypropylene and fluorinated polyurethane fails to protect the alloy any more.

Key words: organic coatings, degradation, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, outdoor exposure, accelerated testing, tropical marine atmosphere

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