In this paper, the piezoelectric ceramic transducer actuators are used to perform active shape control for Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) rib reflector. Firstly, a beam element with independent degrees of voltage and a plate element with higher transverse shear deformation are used to conduct a finite element modeling of the CFRP reflector. Using Hamilton variation formulation, the governing equation of the finite element model is derived, developing an optimized reflector surface shape controller that minimizes the Root Mean Square (RMS) error. Then, the placement optimization of PZT actuators is investigated under several typical loads. To minimizing the residual RMS error of the reflector, an optimization method combining the adaptive genetic algorithm with the gradient projection method is proposed to solve the placement optimization of the actuators with a certain number. Numerical examples show the validity and the effectiveness of the proposed method. Finally, an experimental prototype is made to verify the proposed controlling method. The results proved the feasibility and the effectiveness of the proposed method.
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