针对现有测试性增长模型忽略了测试性设计缺陷的修正延时过程,进而导致测试性增长模型(TGM)跟踪与预计精度低的问题,提出了一种考虑测试性设计缺陷修正延时的测试性增长模型建模理论与方法。首先分析测试性设计缺陷识别与修正之间的延时机理,得到剩余测试性设计缺陷(TDL)具有先增后减的铃形变化趋势;在此基础上,分别以Gamma、Raleigh和Delay-S 3种曲线拟合剩余测试性设计缺陷(RTDL)变化趋势,研究建立基于以上3种曲线考虑修正延时的测试性增长模型;最后,以某机载稳定跟踪平台测试性增长试验数据验证测试性增长模型拟合、跟踪及预计效能。研究结果表明:基于该测试性增长试验数据,Gamma曲线可以精确地拟合剩余测试性设计缺陷变化规律,测试性增长模型跟踪和预计精度可达到10-2数量级。
For existing testability growth models ignores the rectifying process of testability design limitations, causes the testability growth process describes incompletely, and the tracking and projecting imprecise, a Testability Growth Model (TGM) which considers the rectifying delay based on Bell-shaped curve are proposed. Firstly, the mechanism relation between the discovering process of Testability Design Limitation (TDL) and the rectifying process of TDL is analyzed. And on the basis, three bell-shaped curves are used to describe the variation tendency of remaining testability design limitations, the three bell-shaped curves are Rayleigh curve and Delay-S curve, then, TGMs which consider bell-shaped TDL rectifying delay process are founded. Finally, a data set is used to verify the fitting, estimation and prediction of TGM. Result shows that:Gamma curve is more accurate to fit the number of Remaining Testability Design Limitation (RTDL) and that TGM considering the rectifying delay can give good result in fitting, estimation and prediction, and the accuracy of estimation can reach 10-2 order of magnitude.
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